Your Guide to Structured Settlements and Catastrophic Injuries

Your Guide to Structured Settlements and Catastrophic Injuries

You’re badly injured in a sudden accident, and another party is at fault for what happened. As a result, you decide to bring a claim for financial compensation. When it’s time to negotiate a settlement, the other side suggests resolving the case with a structured settlement. What is a structured settlement and how do you…

The Importance of Expert Witnesses in Catastrophic Injury Claims

The Importance of Expert Witnesses in Catastrophic Injury Claims

When you suffer a catastrophic injury after an accident, you deserve financial compensation and to hold the responsible party accountable. To strengthen your legal strategy, there’s a good chance you’re going to rely on an expert witness. Maybe your attorney has already mentioned it, or perhaps you’re trying to find the right person to support…

Dealing With the Consequences of a Loved One’s Traumatic Death or Catastrophic Injury May Require Turning to the Civil Justice System

Dealing With the Consequences of a Loved One’s Traumatic Death or Catastrophic Injury May Require Turning to the Civil Justice System

The following is adapted from Unthinkable. The financial and emotional consequences of a loved one’s traumatic death or catastrophic injury, particularly when someone else is to blame, are huge. So many expenses, so much turmoil, so much anguish—and all because somebody else made a decision that caused them great harm. You may imagine, in instances…

What If My Injury Causes a Permanent Disability?

What If My Injury Causes a Permanent Disability?

Unfortunately, some injuries result in permanent disability, which can be devastating for victims and their families. When that occurs, you need to know your rights. What does the law have to say about permanent disability? What benefits can you receive when you’re completely unable to work? How can you support your family and your medical…

5 Steps to Navigating Medical Decisions in the Event of Catastrophic Injury

5 Steps to Navigating Medical Decisions in the Event of Catastrophic Injury

The following is adapted from Unthinkable. My mother was hit and killed by a concrete truck while crossing a street near her home. Her death was an unthinkable tragedy, and my family is far from alone in suffering such a loss. But in my professional life as a personal injury lawyer, we encounter many more…

If You or Someone You Love is the Victim of a Catastrophic Incident, You Need to Get Your Own Experts on the Ground

If You or Someone You Love is the Victim of a Catastrophic Incident, You Need to Get Your Own Experts on the Ground

The following is adapted from Unthinkable. If you or a loved one is the victim of a catastrophic incident, then there’s one very important fact you need to understand: leaving the investigation to the police is a gamble. I don’t say this to disparage police departments. However, I do say it with the awareness I’ve…

Why People Who Have Endured a Catastrophic Loss are Often Extremely Unhappy With the Outcome of the Criminal Case

Why People Who Have Endured a Catastrophic Loss are Often Extremely Unhappy With the Outcome of the Criminal Case

The following is adapted from Unthinkable. It was eight in the evening, Denver time, on Wednesday, April 28, 2020. Our COVID-19 lives were just beginning. I had finished a workout in the basement and was sitting in the kitchen eating a barbecue sandwich when my phone rang. My sister, in Florida—calling at ten o’clock her…

The Wheels of Justice Do Turn in America…They Just Don’t Turn Quickly

The Wheels of Justice Do Turn in America…They Just Don’t Turn Quickly

The following is adapted from Unthinkable. Murder, robbery, assault, driving while intoxicated—these are all crimes under the law. And, if you or a loved one are the victim of someone who commits one of these crimes, you have the right to seek justice through the criminal justice system. Obviously, laws differ by state, but every…

When You’re Faced With a Catastrophic Incident, Relying Solely on the Police Investigation Amounts to Playing the Lottery

When You’re Faced With a Catastrophic Incident, Relying Solely on the Police Investigation Amounts to Playing the Lottery

The following is adapted from Unthinkable. I’ve been working in the personal injury law field for almost 30 years. Broadly speaking, the law enforcement officers I’ve encountered want to do a great job, just as anyone else who cares about their work does. And when an incident results in a death or catastrophic injury, law…

If Your Loved One is the Victim of a Fatal Incident, Here are 4 Things You Need to Think About

If Your Loved One is the Victim of a Fatal Incident, Here are 4 Things You Need to Think About

The following is adapted from Unthinkable. If someone you love is the victim of a fatal incident, then first of all, let me say how sorry I am. My mother was struck and killed by a commercial truck in April 2020, and it left a gaping void in all our lives. As hard as it…